Is it ok to want more?
Yes! But not more stuff (don’t get me wrong I love stuff).
You could be searching for more meaning in your life.
When I was 26 years old I received a payout from a car accident I had six years earlier. I had received a decent amount of money so I left my job to search for what I was meant to do in life. I can’t explain it, it was a feeling deep inside my body, that I was meant for something. I am sure you have felt it too, I believe every human has.
“Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked.” - Viktor E. Frankl
I came close to dying and due to the severity of my injuries, I felt I was saved for a reason. I went from course to course, idea to idea, never really committing to anything all while spending hundreds of thousands of my money along this journey that had no real ending to it. I had every single toy known to man, it was one hell of a garage and that still wasn’t enough.
We are told to find our life purpose. This can often lead to empty conversations trying to land on an answer.
In the foreword of Viktor Frankl’s book Mans Search for Meaning... “ Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure, as Freud believed, or a quest for power, as Alfred Adler taught, but a quest for meaning. The greatest task for any person is to find meaning in his or her lives. Frankl saw three possible sources for meaning: in work (doing something significant) in love (caring for another person) and in courage in difficult times.”
It is easy and addictive to get hooked in the results-driven world, chasing the next thing, the next big achievement and when we do achieve it there can be a hollow that will need to be filled with another big achievement.
There is a shift from.
“Ever more people today have the means to live, but no meaning to live for.” - Viktor E. Frankl
I realized after all these years that what I had been searching for was inside me the whole time.
What if there was a way to create your life purpose rather than find it?
What if there were series of steps that you could put in place to create what you were meant to do?
What if I could create a process to consciously bring balance into all areas of my life?
How often do we press pause on our day to day and take the time to create our future in advance?
That’s why I created the ACHIEVE System. It’s a 7 step roadmap to achieving your vision.
We create a life of meaning when we take the time to consciously bring balance into all areas of our lives. Denis Waitley the famous sports psychologist who worked with the highly successful U.S. Olympic team back in the 80’s states that every human has 5 – 7 unique abilities. I often wonder, what holds us back from expressing these?
“In only two hours working on ‘How to achieve your vision’ Daniel has helped me to see a way out of my own limitations, and most importantly, create a vision of how specifically to achieve my most desired goals. By breaking it into smaller steps he made me aware of how much is possible to accomplish when we work inch by inch. I am grateful for having The Phoenix Experience light up my way and give me vision and strength to walk throughout dark tunnels. Thank you Daniel for your wisdom and professionalism.” Lais
It’s not what we are meant to do in life; it’s the person that we become as a result that matters. Our job, our bank account, our stuff, all this doesn’t define us, it’s the person we are that does.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.” - Viktor E. Frankl
Who are you being each day? Ask yourself if everything was taken away would you still be happy. Of course, you would be. ☺
If you are ready to create more meaning in your life click here for a complimentary 45 - minute discovery session and more info on my upcoming workshops.
Rise Up out of the everyday and into life.
Join me on this journey below.