Thursday 16 July 2015

Are you successful?

Q. Are you successful?

A. Of course you are! 

The question should be what defines success? 

Is it money? Is it how big your house is? Is it how many cool toys you have? How many staff you manage? Is it how happy you are? Is it how much time you have?

You could ask everyone in the world and they would have a different answer. Even the dictionary has different answers for this question.

1. the favourable outcome of something attempted
2. the attainment of wealth, fame, etc

We all strive to be successful. What we believe as successful should be what matters to us, not other people's version of success. 

Tony Robbins said in Awaken the Giant Within.

"Success without fulfilment is failure"

There are plenty of what society sees as successful that are not fulfilled. Define what success means to you write it down, go after it.

Keep striving, you deserve everything that you want and more. Never, ever give up. If something doesn't work, try a different approach. Repeat. 

But just remember to smile along the way, take the pressure of yourself and enjoy the ride because thats the fun part. Life is about living not waiting.

Rise Up. Out of the everyday and into life.

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