Saturday 29 August 2015

Do you need to let go?

Do you need to let go?

Yes you do.

We all have memories and perceptions of our past that bring heaviness to our hearts, an extra bit of weight on our chests that we don’t need anymore.

“Abundance is a process of letting go; that which is empty can receive.”-Bryant H. McGill

What do we need to let go of?
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Past failings
  • Fears
  • Regrets
  • Old habits
  • Un-Resourceful emotions 

How can we free ourselves of that heaviness? We need to ask these questions to consciously understand the reasons for not letting go.

What purpose are you hanging on to them?
What is it costing you to hold on to these emotions?
What are you missing out on by reliving them each day?
What could you achieve with that freedom of letting go?

If someone else is holding on to something that affects you, give yourself the gift and let it go there is nothing you can do about it.

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.”
- Hermann Hesse

Think about how you will feel when you free yourself of the burden. Don’t punish yourself for things you did yesterday. Life is short and you have everything inside you right now to forgive yourself and others.

Remember everyday is a fresh start, a new beginning a chance to hit the reset button.

Letting go is not giving up. Breathe.

Rise Up. Out of the everyday and into life.

Join me on this journey by flowing my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Monday 24 August 2015

Are you wasting your prime time?

Are you wasting your prime time?

I recently was listening to a Denis Waitley audiobook and he mentioned this concept of “prime time” and it really got me thinking.

So what is prime time?

Prime time is between 6pm and 11pm weeknights, I think if you have kids it’s between 7pm – 11pm. This is commonly known as TV time. Denis asks the question: Are you contributing to others success by watching sitcoms or contributing to you own dreams by using this time for personal growth.

We get very comfortable in our lives, watching TV each night letting the weeks and months go by. Before we know it years have passed. Don’t get me wrong workdays are long and some jobs can suck the life out of us.

Time is the great leveler. We all have the equal amount of time each week. The same hours, days, minutes and seconds. Its what we choose to do with our time that defines who we are and who we could become.

Are you green and growing or ripe and rotting? - Ray Kroc

In last weeks #BLOG I wrote about designing your day. How can you design your day around “prime time”? If you could learn something and develop your skills what could it be? How could you reconnect with yourself and try something you have always wanted. You have all you need right now to start.

You never stay the same. You either get better or you get worse. - Jon Gruden

Humans have a natural curiosity; we live to learn new things, to constantly develop into better versions of ourselves.

Nothing in life is certain so don’t wait for someone else to change it for you.

Rise Up. Out of the everyday and into life.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Want a better life? Start with your day

Design your day.

To design your ultimate life you must start with your day.

To succeed in life it all starts with today. Today is the only day to begin.
Depending on what higher power you believe in they both say the same thing.

The Bible tells us:

“The lord helps those that help themselves”

Quantum physics tells us:

“What ever energy we put out is the energy we get back”

So if this is true we can shape our lives by improving who we are on a daily basis. How can we achieve the inspired life we want for ourselves? Who do we have to BE? What can we DO achieve our dreams?

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is in found in your daily routine” John C Maxwell.

1. Consciously decide on the person you are going to be each day. Are you grateful for the life you have?

2. Do one small thing each day that brings you closer to you dream. Momentum is powerful.

3.  Don’t get caught up in other people’s stories or opinions trust yourself, trust in your vision and believe.

“For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” Steve Jobs.

There will good days, there will be great days and there will dark hours just don’t let those dark hours become days, weeks or years. Stay the course, be relentless, you have everything you need inside you right now for greatness.

Friday 7 August 2015

Overwhelmed, aren’t you?

Overwhelmed, aren’t you?

We have all been overwhelmed at some stage in life. What overwhelms us? Life does.  It’s relentless with punishing workloads, our phones ring non-stop, emails are on our phones so we never truly unplug or get to unwind.

What is overwhelm and how come it affects so many of us? Overwhelm affects everyone in different ways, how it affects you is all that matters. When researching this more there were so many definitions, meanings and perceptions of what overwhelm is.

Is overwhelm an emotion created by the perception of how things are? If overwhelm is a state of mind, couldn’t we just change it?

1. To flow over completely:
2. To render totally ineffective by decisive defeat:
3. To affect deeply or completely, as with emotion:
4. To impair severely something such as the spirit, health, or effectiveness of:
5. To affect as if by an outpouring of water:

So how can you stop overwhelm?

Don’t say that word anymore. I won’t mention it anymore! Ban it from you vocabulary. Remember what we can language we can have.

Breathe. Take a few deep breaths it will automatically reduce the heaviness. Try it. Try it now :)

Write a list. I know everyone says it, but it works to get everything out of your head. Put high priority tasks at the start. If you have a large list write each task on a new page so you are not distracted by all the to-dos. 

Focus. Focus on what you can do, not what you cant. What we focus on it what we get.

In no way do I think this is trivial, as I know the work is not going slow down or the phone stop ringing. But if we put simple strategies in place we can be more conscious of it and not let it take over.

Remember to give yourself awesome credit and celebrate yours wins along the way! You’ve got this!

Saturday 1 August 2015

How can you make better decisions?

How can you make better decisions?

We are faced with decisions everyday from simple ones like, should I eat that cake or have that drink and complex life decisions like what job to take, invest or our direction in life.

Let's face it we have all made terrible decisions along the way, sometimes not learning from our mistakes. After all we are only human, aren’t we?.

“Ask better questions, the quality of our questions determines the quality of our lives.” Tony Robbins

Before we talk about how, it’s worth talking about why we need to make better decisions. Every decision we make shapes our lives, sets us on a path. They affect our destiny. Who hasn’t looked back and thought wow if I hadn’t made that decision then everything would be so different. Don’t beat yourself up, plenty of time to make better, more informed decisions.

“Successful people make their decisions quickly and change their minds slowly. Failures make their decisions slowly and change their minds quickly.” Andy Andrews.

From Brendon Burchard:

1. Make decisions sooner:

“It's easier to make decisions earlier than later. For example, if you hate your job, make a decision to leave sooner. Yes, be judicious and collect information...but don't get into analysis paralysis or become scared of change. Set a date and prepare”.

2. Set criteria:

“What's good for you? What supports other people around you? This means you seriously contemplate if decisions are right for you, honoring of others, and generally good for most people”.

3. Do intelligent research:

“Bad decisions are often a result of acting without any information, listening to the wrong people or forcing a false choice. There's nothing you want to achieve or overcome in your life that someone hasn't already achieved or overcome”.

“The more decisions you make the better you get at them”. Tony Robbins.

So don’t be afraid to make decisions good or bad, but make them consciously and learn from them. Be true to yourself and do it for you. Keep it simple and if all else fails see below.