Saturday 1 August 2015

How can you make better decisions?

How can you make better decisions?

We are faced with decisions everyday from simple ones like, should I eat that cake or have that drink and complex life decisions like what job to take, invest or our direction in life.

Let's face it we have all made terrible decisions along the way, sometimes not learning from our mistakes. After all we are only human, aren’t we?.

“Ask better questions, the quality of our questions determines the quality of our lives.” Tony Robbins

Before we talk about how, it’s worth talking about why we need to make better decisions. Every decision we make shapes our lives, sets us on a path. They affect our destiny. Who hasn’t looked back and thought wow if I hadn’t made that decision then everything would be so different. Don’t beat yourself up, plenty of time to make better, more informed decisions.

“Successful people make their decisions quickly and change their minds slowly. Failures make their decisions slowly and change their minds quickly.” Andy Andrews.

From Brendon Burchard:

1. Make decisions sooner:

“It's easier to make decisions earlier than later. For example, if you hate your job, make a decision to leave sooner. Yes, be judicious and collect information...but don't get into analysis paralysis or become scared of change. Set a date and prepare”.

2. Set criteria:

“What's good for you? What supports other people around you? This means you seriously contemplate if decisions are right for you, honoring of others, and generally good for most people”.

3. Do intelligent research:

“Bad decisions are often a result of acting without any information, listening to the wrong people or forcing a false choice. There's nothing you want to achieve or overcome in your life that someone hasn't already achieved or overcome”.

“The more decisions you make the better you get at them”. Tony Robbins.

So don’t be afraid to make decisions good or bad, but make them consciously and learn from them. Be true to yourself and do it for you. Keep it simple and if all else fails see below.

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