Monday 24 August 2015

Are you wasting your prime time?

Are you wasting your prime time?

I recently was listening to a Denis Waitley audiobook and he mentioned this concept of “prime time” and it really got me thinking.

So what is prime time?

Prime time is between 6pm and 11pm weeknights, I think if you have kids it’s between 7pm – 11pm. This is commonly known as TV time. Denis asks the question: Are you contributing to others success by watching sitcoms or contributing to you own dreams by using this time for personal growth.

We get very comfortable in our lives, watching TV each night letting the weeks and months go by. Before we know it years have passed. Don’t get me wrong workdays are long and some jobs can suck the life out of us.

Time is the great leveler. We all have the equal amount of time each week. The same hours, days, minutes and seconds. Its what we choose to do with our time that defines who we are and who we could become.

Are you green and growing or ripe and rotting? - Ray Kroc

In last weeks #BLOG I wrote about designing your day. How can you design your day around “prime time”? If you could learn something and develop your skills what could it be? How could you reconnect with yourself and try something you have always wanted. You have all you need right now to start.

You never stay the same. You either get better or you get worse. - Jon Gruden

Humans have a natural curiosity; we live to learn new things, to constantly develop into better versions of ourselves.

Nothing in life is certain so don’t wait for someone else to change it for you.

Rise Up. Out of the everyday and into life.

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