Friday 7 August 2015

Overwhelmed, aren’t you?

Overwhelmed, aren’t you?

We have all been overwhelmed at some stage in life. What overwhelms us? Life does.  It’s relentless with punishing workloads, our phones ring non-stop, emails are on our phones so we never truly unplug or get to unwind.

What is overwhelm and how come it affects so many of us? Overwhelm affects everyone in different ways, how it affects you is all that matters. When researching this more there were so many definitions, meanings and perceptions of what overwhelm is.

Is overwhelm an emotion created by the perception of how things are? If overwhelm is a state of mind, couldn’t we just change it?

1. To flow over completely:
2. To render totally ineffective by decisive defeat:
3. To affect deeply or completely, as with emotion:
4. To impair severely something such as the spirit, health, or effectiveness of:
5. To affect as if by an outpouring of water:

So how can you stop overwhelm?

Don’t say that word anymore. I won’t mention it anymore! Ban it from you vocabulary. Remember what we can language we can have.

Breathe. Take a few deep breaths it will automatically reduce the heaviness. Try it. Try it now :)

Write a list. I know everyone says it, but it works to get everything out of your head. Put high priority tasks at the start. If you have a large list write each task on a new page so you are not distracted by all the to-dos. 

Focus. Focus on what you can do, not what you cant. What we focus on it what we get.

In no way do I think this is trivial, as I know the work is not going slow down or the phone stop ringing. But if we put simple strategies in place we can be more conscious of it and not let it take over.

Remember to give yourself awesome credit and celebrate yours wins along the way! You’ve got this!

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